Why use colloidal oatmeal based skin care for itchy eczema and dermatitis?

Eczema & Atopic dermatitis:
Oats help in the recovery of the eczematous skin by moisturising, restoring the skin barrier, reducing itching, and regulating inflammation.
Several studies support the role of colloidal oatmeal both for cleansing and moisturising the eczematous skin of Atopic dermatitis.
Using oat based skincare such as lotion and creams may replace the need to topical steroids!

Moisturizing properties:
It contains lipids and protein that have humectant, occlusive and emollient properties which help restore the skin barrier and retain moisture.

Soothes sunburns:
Due to antioxidant benefits, oats can help in reversing damage caused by UV rays, pollution, harsh chemicals...
Oat lotions can be used to soothe the sunburnt skin owing to soothing, anti-oxidant, healing and moisturising properties

Skin rashes and bug bites:
Whether it is a rash due to poison ivy, poison oak or any other allergic reaction, colloidal oatmeal can really help calm the itch and inflammation you’re currently experiencing. Same goes for pesky bug bites.
When skin is itchy and irritated, its pH level may be too high or too low. Colloidal oatmeal acts as a buffering agent and can help bring skin pH back to normal levels, especially if it’s too high, which can help calm the itch.

Hives cause an inflammatory skin condition that is  most often part of an allergic reaction that involves histamine being released in the body and causing red, raised, itchy bumps to appear on the skin’s surface.
Research shows that oats have inherent anti-inflammatory and antihistaminic abilities. Oats actually inhibit the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and histamine, which is why colloidal oatmeal can be so helpful in cases of hives.